Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Read before you marry an Indian Girl

No Girl Family is ready to married off their Daughter to a Poor Boys family or Status lower to them. They always look / Prey for Wealthy Boys, With Good Reputation and Status.
Their Motive is clear, Girl Should be Rich Overnight.
Get Whole Rupee without spending single Paise.
Get Pomfret in exchange to Sardine, that’s real crude Native says. Whatever may be the Says, Most of the Girls Families are Gold Diggers.

Today’s 99 out of 100 Girls are not ready to live with Boys Parents or Family(Joint Family) Even at the time of Marriage they agree but Girl is trained by her Mother know how to Black mail husband to Abandon his Old Parents.
Every Girl is happy if her parents comes home and stay with her for months, but when husband says his Parents are coming, she starts all her default drama as trained by her Mother.
She will emotionally Blackmail husband.
Keep her away from her Marital Responsibilities.
She will not cook for them, as she says, they don’t like her food.
She will not talk to them.
Even i seen if they talk/Play with their Grand children she will offend.
Some goes to her Mothers place when husband Parents comes.

Some Modern Bold girls tell straight away that she will not stay with husband parents or she want separate house and most boys agree like they never seen a Girl.

Feminists controlled Indian Government make it sure that whatever happens, girl Family should not be effected or Troubled with Marriage.
They Already made enough laws to Protect them, and Make profit from Marriage and Divorce.

These are all Women Organizations supported Laws, they want to break Every Family by making biased laws [ Ref : http://mynation.net/gender-equality.htm )


Today’s Most Families/Girls bring nothing to start a new Family when she marry, they think its Men responsibility. and they have Indian government backing.
Its Boys Family time to demand “Our Boy is worth…..xxxxxxxx$s and we need Girl Should be Worth same”
As Women Organization want Equality, Lets Girl Family Contribute 50% money to buy new house for new Family.
Lets Girl Contribute 50% domestic expenses, if she working.
If she is house wife and she do not want to live together cordially let her pay for food/Accommodation.
Lets divide Every responsibility into 50%, that’s EQUALITY, anyone deny this….?

Many men, who has sister Wrote Angrily, it is hard to get his married off their sister with 50% equality but when they want to marry they are Planning 100% from Girl, Coz for them what they do is right all others wrong.

WAKE UP MEN, When its hard to other Family to meet your demand, you should not find difficulties in finding suitable Boy for your Girl/Sister.

In India, Divorce rate is not only doubled but it was only 3% 2 Decades ago, now its crossing 30% because Gender biased laws proposed by Women Organizations.
They are making Women Life miserable instead comfortable, no Family or marriage will survive by Terrorizing other partner/Spouse.

You may think Writer is a Men rights Activists who see only BAD things about these Women centric Laws. but reality you can read yourself, Writer will not explain.
Read About: [ Source: http://mynation.net/laws/ ]
Dowry Prohibition Act
Domestic Violence Act.
Divorce Act
Child Custody
Maintenance Act.
Women Rights to Property.
Half Property Rights to Women on Marriage.
Rape / Marital Rape Law.

or search google with above word with the word  “misuse” [ eg : misuse dowry law india, misuse domestci violence law etc etc ] and you will find thousands of true stories how Indian men are harassed trapped in above gender biased laws.

These laws are 100% biased to men, you can check judgments of any court, most of them goes against’s men, Law treat all men as Villains and even Criminal women as victims.
Men have, not a single Gender Balanced Law;
Because of these Laws, Girl hit a JACKPOT with marriage and make men, Sheep going to Slaughter House; OR Bankrupt.

Then you will says as this man says — Read http://mynation.net/abio/if-i/

For Bachelors this may look like German or Russian, once you are married you will understand this even this article is in Arabic.

WAKEUP MEN, don’t act like a Men wearing Bangles.

3 thoughts on “Read before you marry an Indian Girl

  1. I agree with this post absolutely, unfortunately men are not supportive to men when it comes to issues like this so we become weak in front of these evil girls.

  2. I am unmarried & male, This text looks to me English. But my stupid parents will definitely won’t allow me to die as bachelor. Mistake is from male’s parents.

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