Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


I am a TAX payer of India, I have no hidden assets and i paid all my dues on time, that what i did for my country. just like me, there are thousands of Soldiers gave their life to Country.

It is said India is rich Country with poor people. India has more natural resources than small Counties like Kuwait, UAE; but they live in high Standard of Living, their Governments gives subsidy and free services in many ways, they have better infrastructures and no Tax. Why ?

In India, Oil and energy companies makes profit more than 5,000,000$ per hour, but Government is making more than that by charging TAX on them,
India has huge deposit of many minerals and most of them are exported, its more than Billions of Dollar $ worth per year. where that money goes…?

There is Income tax for everyone, but Politicians benami unaccountable properties/money is not counted or charged coz they deposit it in foreign countries. Every Politicians Swindle public money, even they are caught they did it for the country,People; coz there is no mechanism to bring out that money from them. coz they make rules and laws, in favor of them only.

in Land Revenue tax, same Property is bought and sold many times, and only Government make money for nothing on stamp duty and other revenues.
There is Property tax….! for what
There is municipality Tax even you are not getting any facilities.
You pay for every service, still there are service taxes on everything.

If government build Road or bridges they impose toll or tax on every vehicle pass over it, so they are not spending extra from Government revenue collections.

There are so many Innovations for better services or FREE energy but Government will suppress them, in some countries such men disappeared coz they are threat to governments free, easy money making schemes.
Nicola Tesla dreamt about to give FREE energy to People, but you know better what had happened to him.

In India there is no scope of Innovations but Government Blame on Brain drain. You know better how many inventions and new technologies came from India, and how many Noble prizes it won…?

There are many ways to generate Power/Electricity, Wind/Solar/Tide/geo thermal/Magnetic and various other means than what we produce now, but government will not support nor they give same, coz everything is Politically motivated and government can control people with Power cuts.

Government can make laws as per present situation, but most of our laws are made centuries ago and new laws are made totally biased against people Interests, mostly in family matters; Eg : In Divorce, Instead who ever is at fault have to pay to other spouse, Indian Law says Man has to pay and Divorce is dragged for decades. Same in Child custody, If parents are separated, instead making both parents pay and both parents will get equal time with child and visitation Indian Government says Mother will get custody even she is Prostitute or criminal and Father has to pay and he will not get visitation or fight for visitations for decades.

As long as People are blinded by Religion and cannot come out of the clutches of Politicians, no one will talk or think against Government.

If you are wise, count how much money government is making with its various revenue dealings and how much they are spending on military/development/Law/Salary for government servants etc and You will find only 50% or less spent on all the services.

There is no quality Control, coz Government is not checking properly.
As a Man, In India i do not have single law to protect against’s Atrocities Women Commit on men.
No Municipality service for what they Charging me.
Even Paying TAX on time no medical care nor Subsidized Ration/Food
list is too long to write here…….



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