Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Rise of Dowry and Harrasment Cases in the Coastal Belt as well as nonprovision of rules and requirements as laid out by the Court’s Of India.


There has been a rise in the number of cases in the coastal belt of Udupi on the above subject wherein there is no respect for Men, elders, senior citizens and old aged parents, with one word of woman or daughter in law, they are dragged to jail or harrased in police station in the name of Naari Shakti/Atyachara or empowerment of women. The biased Section 498A, Domestic Violence Act etc now only work as per the whim and fancies of the women who misuse it to take revenge and there has been many cases of negligence on the part of the police as well wherein giving fear and extorting, humiliating irrespective of the truth.

There has also been a one sided biased outcomes of reports being filed In the courts without any evidence or false one’s so a broad training is needed with the latest updates. Names of the men and their families been highlighted in the paper without any basis or investigation, under which rules have these been done and for what purpose are they done as except humiliation they don’t solve any purpose and if the case turns out to be false or acquittal do the person who post it on newspapers take responsibility and file corrigendum.

We members campaign and create awareness about gross injustices and abuses that happens under the pretext of these laws. We are well supported with many parent NGO‘s like MyNation etc who are having more than 15000 member all over India and have a far reach as well for this noble cause we have got the backing of some renowned persons from Udupi wherein we have shared this misuse of law which will surely turn into a larger social evil. The role of the police should be of finding truth and not to humiliate or harass or force the man to settle the matter by paying ransom but they should usually counsel with the help of renowned locals as well as counselors. There should not be an untoward humiliation or acts done on to family senior Citizen’s as well as there lies a high responsibility by the Police Station Officials of finding the

truth and exonerating the Men & family if sufficient evidence of the allegation’s being false is provided, as just sending some report to the court and spoiling the life of the young man on no basis of evidence will also create social unrest as these young men will then lure into other evils of crime as now they have been harassed for false cases creating a social imbalance in the coastal belt of Udupi.

The Police system form’s a very important & vital role in establishing balance as well the responsibility is so high that they can make or break the balance of society if they add more weightage to one end, so this is a sincere request to screen the cases and filter out the false or exaggerated ones as it affects the accused and family who are unnecessary dragged in false cases. Proper procedures and investigation needs to be done and there is very wrong misconception of not taking proof & others from the man’s side and are being told to provide those proofs in the court , as the police takes those things from the woman side similarly men’s side documents should also be attached and cases to be closed after proper scrutiny. The growing trends of these cases is a very serious concern as more are family matters to be counseled rather than ending in courts were there is acquittal and as per NCRB latest data reports it shows 87.80% (2016) acquitted and that means there has been false cases registered and no proper procedures followed with zero responsibility, thus a proper diligence is required.

Thanking You Regards
Citizens of UDUPI
Sharan shetty Mundukur

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