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Decree for restitution of conjugal rights enforces cohabitation but it cannot force Sexual intercourse

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment Reserved on: October 04, 2016 Judgment Delivered on: October 07, 2016 MAT.APP.(F.C.) 64/2015 SUDHA GUPTA ….. Appellant Represented by: Mr.Om Saran Gupta, Advocate versus HAR PRASAD GUPTA ….. Respondent Represented by: Respondent in person CORAM:…

Whether it is permissible for court to frame charge on basis of statement U/S 164 of CRPC?

In the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi (Before Pratibha Rani, J.) Mohsin Khan v. State (NCT of Delhi) . CRL. REV.P. 124/2017 Decided on July 14, 2017 Citation:2017 SCC OnLine Del 9315 1. By filing this revision petition under Section 397/401 read with Section 482…

Visitation Rights to Father who pay Child Maintenance

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Decision : October 20, 2016 MAT.APP.(F.C.) 79/2014 MANPREET SINGH BHATIA ….. Appellant Represented by: Ms.Rebecca M.John, Senior Advocate instructed by Ms.Koplin K.Kandhari,Advocate. versus SUMITA BHATIA ….. Respondent Represented by: Mr.Rajat Aneja and Ms.Chandrika Gupta,Advocates….

Signature on document to be attested to prove the Document

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment Reserved On : February 24, 2015 Judgment Delivered On : March 03, 2015 FAO (OS) 355/2008 JAGDISH PRASAD …..Appellant   Represented by: Mr.Rajesh Rai, Advocate versus STATE …..Respondent Represented by: Ms.Rama Arora, Advocate for Land…

Suicide threats amounts to mental cruelty?

 IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Dated: September 06, 2016 MAT.APP.(F.C.) 15/2015 GEETA PANDEY vs SHEKHAR PANDEY CORAM: MR. JUSTICE PRADEEP NANDRAJOG MS. JUSTICE PRATIBHA RANI Citation:AIR 2017 Delhi 70 1. Both the parties to HMA Petition No.618/2014 (Old No.595/2005) take exception…

2nd wife cannot claim equal status of a legally wedded wife

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment Reserved on: January 12, 2017 Judgment Delivered on: January 17, 2017 RSA 403/2015 CHAMPA DEVI ….. Appellant Through: Mr.Ravinder Yadav, Advocate versus LT GOVERNOR OF DELHI & ORS ….. Respondents Through: Mr.Ishan Kashyap, proxy counsel…

DIL has no rights in FIL property

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Decision: December 2, 2016 RSA 352/2016 & CM No.43607/2016 JOTSNA @ JYOTI & ANR ….. Appellants Through: Mr.Dhan Mohan & Mr.Sarthak Maggon, Advocate. versus LAKHPAT RAI ….. Respondent Through: None. CORAM: HON’BLE MS. JUSTICE…

Son has no rights in Parents self acquired property

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Decision: 24th November,2016 RSA 136/2016 & CM No.19123/2016 SACHIN & ANR ….. Appellants Through: Appellant No.1 in person versus JHABBU LAL & ANR ….. Respondents Through: Mr.Rakesh Kumar, Advocate with respondents in person PRATIBHA…

False 498A, Divorce over RCR

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment Reserved on: October 20, 2016 Judgment Delivered on: October 25, 2016 MAT.APP.(F.C.) 123/2014 PUSHKAR GUPTA ….. Appellant Represented by: Mr.Shailender Dahiya, Adv.with appellant in person versus NARENDER KUMAR GUPTA ….. Respondent Represented by: Mr.Naveen Kumar…

Divorce:Threat of Suicide and implicate her In-Laws, Cruelty

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Decision: October 21, 2016 MAT.APP.(F.C.) 89/2016 RAJENDER KUMAR ….. Appellant Represented by: Mr.Balkishan, Advocate. versus NANDINI & ANR. ….. Respondent Represented by: None. CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE PRADEEP NANDRAJOG HON’BLE MS. JUSTICE PRATIBHA RANI…

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